More Snow!

Well, after a brief streak of sun over the weekend, its back to gray weather and bitter cold, not to  mention snow–and lots of it. It started early this morning with more to come tonight. Today, Commissioner of DPW, Pete O’Connor gave an interview for the city youtube channel talking about how we will handle snowy streets during this storm. Check it out below:

As Commissioner O’Connor says, snow plowing crews start with emergency routes, hospitals, hills, and main thoroughfares. They then move out to residential areas, then small and dead end streets. If snow continues to accumulate while crews are working on residential areas, they must go back to the prioritized routes and main roads. Help us to be efficient and effective at removing snow and ice by following parking rules on your street to allow plows to get through. We very much appreciate your patience as we work to dig out during this often frustrating and inconvenient season. Stay Warm!


About Lindsay Speicher

As Mayor Miner's Director of Constituent Services, it is my job to connect people with their government, answer questions and concerns, and help residents get the most out of living in the city of Syracuse, NY.
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